The Animal Story Book
The Animal Story Book zo un dastumad kontadennoù troet e saozneg gant Andrew Lang hag e bried, anezhañ an eizhvet eus an 23 levr a zo er rummad The Lang's Fairy Books, hag a voe embannet e 1896. Ennañ e oa 65 kontadenn diwar-benn loened, darn dibabet e-touez mojennoù Gres pe Roma, darn all tennet eus oberennoù Alexandre Dumas.
Kontadennoù al levr
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- 'Tom': an Adventure in the Life of a Bear in Paris
- Saï the Panther
- The Buzzard and the Priest
- Cowper and his Hares
- A Rat Tale
- Snake Stories
- What Elephants can Do
- The Dog of Montargis
- How a Beaver builds his House
- The War Horse of Alexander
- Stories about Bears
- Stories about Ants
- The Taming of an Otter
- The Story of Androcles and the Lion
- Monsieur Dumas and his Beasts
- The Adventures of Pyramus
- The Story of a Weasel
- Stories about Wolves
- Two Highland Dogs
- Monkey Tricks and Sally at the Zoo
- How the Cayman was killed
- The Story of Fido
- Beasts Besieged
- Mr. Gully
- Stories from Pliny
- The Strange History of Cagnotte
- Still Waters Run Deep; or, the Dancing Dog
- Theo and his Horses: Jane, Betsy, and Blanche
- Madame Théophile and the Parrot
- The Battle of the Mullets and the Dolphins
- Monkey Stories
- Eccentric Bird Builders
- The Ship of the Desert
- Hame, hame, hame, where I fain wad be
- Nests for Dinner
- Fire-eating Djijam
- The Story of the Dog Oscar
- Dolphins at Play
- The Starling of Segringen
- Grateful Dogs
- Gazelle
- Cockatoo Stories
- The Otter who was reared by a Cat
- Stories about Lions
- Builders and Weavers
- More Faithful than Favoured
- Dolphins, Turtles, and Cod
- More about Elephants
- Bungey
- Lions and their Ways
- The History of Jacko I.
- Signora and Lori
- Of the Linnet, Popinjay, or Parrot, and other Birds that can Speak
- Patch and the Chickens
- The Fierce Falcon
- Mr. Bolt, the Scotch Terrier
- A Raven's Funeral
- A Strange Tiger
- Halcyons and their Biographers
- The Story of a Frog
- The Woodpecker Tapping on the Hollow Oak Tree
- Dogs Over the Water
- The Capocier and his Mate
- Owls and Marmots
- Eagles' Nests