Mont d’an endalc’had

Kaozeadenn Implijer:Llywelyn2000

N’eus ket eus endalc’had ar bajenn e yezhoù all.
Eus Wikipedia

Dim problem. Bianchi-Bihan 29 Ebr 2009 da 09:20 (UTC)[respont]

Salud dit ha degemer mat ! --Gouerouz 2 Eos 2009 da 17:01 (UTC)[respont]
Diolch gyfaill. Allith rywun gywiro fy Llydaweg os gwelwch yn dda? Llywelyn2000 2 Eos 2009 da 21:34 (UTC)[respont]

Erthygl ar Gylchoedd cerrig Llydaw

[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Henffych frodyr! Dw i'n methu'n glir a ffindio erthygl Lydaweg ar gylchoedd cerrig er mwyn ychwanegu gwybodaeth yma. Unrhyw gymorth? Diolch. Llywelyn2000 14 Gen 2012 da 07:06 (UTC)[respont]

Oes erthygl gyfatebol? Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 30 Eos 2012 da 04:28 (UTC)[respont]
Krommlec'h‎, gair llydaweg, a rhyngwladol. Bianchi-Bihan (kaozeal) 30 Eos 2012 da 07:34 (UTC)[respont]
Diolch. "Rhyngwladol" ar wahan i'r Wyddeleg, Cernyweg a Chymraeg! Mae Cromlech i ni'n golygu tair neu bedair maen hir fertig, gyda charreg lletraws ar y top: Liac'hven yn Llydaweg. Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 30 Eos 2012 da 08:29 (UTC)[respont]

Degemer mat deoc'h :) --Morgane44 (kaozeal) 1 Ebr 2014 da 19:56 (UTC)[respont]

Croeso i'th cynnig. Bianchi-Bihan (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 05:36 (UTC)[respont]

Gwych! Cadwa dy lygad ar sut mae o'n biahafio! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 05:59 (UTC)[respont]

Gormod o saesneg yn yr erthyglau. Byddai'n rhaid cyfieithu y destyn yn gynta. Bianchi-Bihan (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 07:29 (UTC)[respont]

Wps. Ydy'r tri yma'n iawn? Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 07:34 (UTC)[respont]

Mae 'na sawl cy:Troed-y-rhiw.a en:Troed y Rhiw Bianchi-Bihan (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 10:25 (UTC)[respont]

Wedi ychwanegu ", Ceredigion". Merci bras! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 10:29 (UTC)[respont]

Wedi gorffen rhoi tua 185 lle ar br. Mae llawer rhagor - os ydych chi isio nhw! Ond bydd raid i Defnyddiwr:Wici Rhuthun 1 wneud y gwaith efo AWB. Dechrau efo 950 Cymuned (Cyngor / pentref lle)? Mi wnaf hefyd weithio ar yr Infobox i'w gael i ddangos y map. Plis rhowch y cyfieithiad Llydaweg yn fama e.e. <enw lle> shown within Kembre; OS Grid Reference. Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 14:31 (UTC)[respont]

Wedi cael y map i ymddangos! Un neu ddau o bethau mân ar ôl i'w wneud. Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 2 Ebr 2014 da 15:53 (UTC)[respont]

Diolch! Wici Rhuthun 1 (kaozeal) 6 Ebr 2014 da 16:00 (UTC)[respont]

Angen cyfieithu'r saesneg ar yr infobox. Wici Rhuthun 1 (kaozeal) 6 Ebr 2014 da 17:56 (UTC)[respont]

Skeudenn iliz katolik Sant-Pereg

[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Setu. A galon. Kadbzh (kaozeal) 24 Gou 2016 da 10:54 (UTC)[respont]

Brittany, Bro-Gwened, Mor-Bihan, Sant-Pereg, Roman catholic church.

Ho koulenn

[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Setu: [[Delwedd:Bossche_Martyrdom_of_SS_Crispin_and_Crispinian.jpg|thumb|300px|right|The Martyrdom of Saints Crispin and Crispinian, oil painting at Wilanów Palace in Warsaw, Poland]]. A galon. Kadbzh (kaozeal) 30 Gou 2017 da 21:27 (UTC)[respont]

template Population

[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Trugarez for the template br:Patrom:WD Population but I don't know if it works. I named it Patrom:WD Poblañs an tried it for breton towns but the template didn't work. Maybe it needs another template to work ?--Kadwalan (kaozeal) 26 Mae 2022 da 16:53 (UTC)[respont]

Hi and trugarez, Kadwalan! I thought I added the Wikidata templates long ago! So I've added new ones, as they won't intefere with anything else. however, the template population will need Patrom:Wikidata, but it already exists, and is 9 years out of date. Am I correct in saying nothing connects to it? If so, then I could add the latest from enwiki. However, maybe you would prefer to copy and paste a similar one from frwiki or another language. If it still doesn't work I'll delete everything I've done and apologise! Merci bras! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 10:00 (UTC)[respont]
When I write the template on a page for the title page or for another page, the patrom:wikidata appears but with always the same wrong information, and of course no number or year appears. Here is an example. A british template would be fine. With a link to the documentation please. --Kadwalan (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 10:27 (UTC)[respont]

{{WD Poblañs}} with a town name gives :

Yes. I see that the existing template Patrom:wikidata eg on the Mayken Verhulst article gives a link to Wikidata. I'll rename that one to 'Patrom:wikidata link' (it will still work), then pls rename to the Brezoneg equivalent. I'll then copy the Wikidata main template to Patrom:wikidata (and a module) so that you have the option to use Wikidata within articles. Give me 10 minutes pls. Docs - yes, we do that too on cywiki! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 10:52 (UTC)[respont]
Let's do it one step at a time: please translate 'Patrom:Wikidata link' to a Brezoneg name. Then I can proceed. Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 10:57 (UTC)[respont]

OK, I renamed it to Patrom:Liamm Wikidata. Sorry for the delay. --Kadwalan (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 11:45 (UTC)[respont]

The Patrom now works and is generating population count at the last count, with references / citations. However, please could you change the wording on Kerdiz, so that the figure is not at the beginning eg 'In the latest Census, the population of Cardiff was {{WD Poblañs}}.'
Trugarez! And keep in touch! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 12:43 (UTC)[respont]
For some reason it creates a break; small issue - but I'll need to find what causes that. Pls dont use until it works! Merci bras! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 12:48 (UTC)[respont]
NOW WORKS FINE! All the best! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 12:51 (UTC)[respont]

Diolch ! Still a little problem maybe. When I write the template it gives a list of the population in the last years. Is it not supposed to give only the last one ? For instance {{Patrom:WD Poblañs|Gwipavas}} gives the population in Gwipavaz, in this order :from 30 Mezheven 2021, 31 Kerzu 1980, 31 Kerzu 1990, 31 Kerzu 2000, 31 Kerzu 2010, 31 Kerzu 2020, 31 Kerzu 2021. Works fine in the page Kerdiz thought. I don't know why... Kadwalan (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 14:22 (UTC)[respont]

Another isssue is the number is given in english fashion, wit ha "," while we use to write a space like in french. We write 361 469 instead of 361,469. It isn't the same number anymore for us. Would it be possible to change that ? --Kadwalan (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 15:08 (UTC)[respont]
Sorry about that! Just tested: I've placed the code {{Patrom:WD Poblañs}} on the article on Gwipavas, and I get:
15,050 (1 Genver 2019)
Nothing else. I'll try it on different browsers tomorrow morning, but from this end, all is well.
With regards to the date, Ill also take a look tomorrow; there's an option to change it in one of the two modules, but I need to clock off now. At it since 3.30 am and need a break!
PS Many editors will come together in just over a week to have a Zoom chat about an editathon just for us throughout September. Keep it in mind! It would be wonderful if you could join us! I'll drop a note about it in the Tavarn tomorrow when I come up for air! Kenavo! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 15:40 (UTC)[respont]
It's not the date put the number of inhabitants wich is an issue with the ",". Diolc'h in vawr. Kadwalan (kaozeal) 27 Mae 2022 da 15:58 (UTC)[respont]
I think the poblañs number of inhabitants is now fixed. I can't replicate the problem you had when the template generates 'list of the population in the last years'. Are you still having the same problem? Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 28 Mae 2022 da 05:42 (UTC)[respont]

Hello. I tried to make a table in Brest page but I get always the same value for all the cities and no penn beside the value nor with Firefox nor Microsoft Edge. The values don't show on this page. The same thing happens when I try

{{WD Poblañs|Brest}}
Kumunioù En-dro da Vrest
Kumunioù Poblañs (bloaz)

Yes, that's possible! But we would need to use the Qid for Breast which is Q12193, and that would have to go into the main code i.e.

{{wikidata|properties|qualifier|references|normal+|best|Q12193|P1082|P585}}<noinclude>{{Teuliadur Patrom}}

until I have time to reduce it to your format! I've used the Qid as it's unique. Sometimes you will have more than 1 place of the same name. Then we get:

Kumunioù En-dro da Vrest
Kumunioù Poblañs (bloaz)
Brest 139 619 (1 Genver 2021)
Gwipavaz 15 460 (1 Genver 2021)
Boc'harzh 3 615 (1 Genver 2021)
Plougastell-Daoulaz 13 445 (1 Genver 2021)

PS A few years ago, I made a list of a selection of countries' Produadur diabarzh gros per head: here. The table then updates automatically.

Best regards... Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 28 Mae 2022 da 13:09 (UTC)[respont]

Diolch! sorry if I give you more work. I can edit some templates but I'm lost with that. Where do you find the "Qid" ? Kadwalan (kaozeal) 28 Mae 2022 da 13:50 (UTC)[respont]
and thank for the tip too. I added your table to the breton page Produadur diabarzh gros. I think the value for the "GDP nominal y ben" is wrong for Ireland. It would be interesting to do the same kind of things in Breton, though I work more about History and literature than Geography Kadwalan (kaozeal) 28 Mae 2022 da 13:51 (UTC)[respont]

You can find the Qids on Wikidata. Take a look at the WD property page for Breizh, for example. Near the top of the page (on the right) you will see in bold format the word Breizh, followed by its Qid unique identifier, in brackets: (Q12130). That's it! Each one is different. So on the Brest page on Wikidata, you will find that its Qid is Q12193, Kembre is Q25, Alan Stivelle is Q10681... 90% of all infoboxes on the Welsh WP are taking their live feed from Wikidata, so that the information is current, up to date, and changes automatically. I could help you do this if you like, or just trial it on one article. We have 3 infoboxes in Welsh: People, places and things.

Zoom session before long with all editors from all 6 Celtic Nations! Do come along. More later! Thanks for your enthusiasm! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 29 Mae 2022 da 07:37 (UTC)[respont]

Here we go! Celtic Zoom session! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 30 Mae 2022 da 13:37 (UTC)[respont]

Template Wikidata

[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Hello, Sut y chi ? I've been trying to use the template Wikidata for informations about countries, for instance the superficy, the name of the president or the prime minister. It's puzzling.

  1. For some countries (Republik Iwerzhon, Alamagn, France) I can write a template to import the name of the president from Wikidata with a link to the article here. For some countries I get nothing at all (Albania, Greece, Hungaria, Armenia with {{Wikidata|properties|linked|Q399|P35}}).
  2. If I try to write a template for the head of government I get nothing at all, for Ireland for instance with {{Wikidata|properties|linked|Q27|P6}}. The same thing happens with, for instance, the bishop of Urgell in Spain with the code {{Wikidata|properties|linked|Q877736|P488}} (Head of state in Andorra). (maybe I've not tried with enough country yet for the head of government)
  3. In one instance I get only the first name of the king : i.e. Fulup instead of Fulup Belgia (en:Philippe of Belgium) with {{Wikidata|properties|linked|Q31|P35}}
  4. When I write my template for Estonia ({{Wikidata|properties|linked|normal+|Q191|P35}}) I get a list of 3 old presidants but not the present one !! The same happens for the kings and queens of Nederland (Izelvroioù in Breton).

The datas in Wikidata are right. Do you understand where the problem is ? --Kadwalan (kaozeal) 9 Mez 2022 da 14:29 (UTC)[respont]

Armenia : {{Wikidata|properties|linked|Q399|P35}} does work in the English sandbox, but gives Armen Sarkissian instead of present Vahagn Khachaturyan.
France : {{Wikidata|properties|linked|Q142|P35}} here gives Emmanuel Macron, which is right.
Maybe everything would be fine on brwiki if there were a Breton article about each item ? --2A01:CB08:890E:C600:1946:A147:FB32:370E 9 Mez 2022 da 15:08 (UTC)[respont]
Ya, mat-tre. Ha ganit? Great idea! Very quickly, I checked the following:
Ireland: Leo Varadkar P6 no
Ireland: Michael D. Higgins p35 yes
Ffrance: Michel Barnier p6 yes
Ffrance: Emmanuel Macron p35 yes
Agree; first one doesn't work. At first I thought it needed citation; no. then tried starting date, no luck. It needs something which is missing. I'll try and get some time tomorrow to take another look. Otherwise, you could ask on the Wikidata community; however, these templates are frowned upon on enwiki! Llywelyn2000 (kaozeal) 9 Mez 2022 da 16:17 (UTC)[respont]
Thank you. you're right for Elisabeth Born (the french prime minister). So I've not tried enough with prime ministers and I ought to have the same puzzling results as for the presidants. No, it's not a problem of non existing page. I have no result sometime for people who have a page. I wrote a page for one of the people who didn't have any and I had the same result as before : nothing. I Looked for a page to report this on Wikidata but I didn't find any that looked to be used for that --- Kadwalan (kaozeal) 9 Mez 2022 da 16:48 (UTC)[respont]
I saw that the links for the templates wikidata and wikidata link didn't correspond to the right templates in breton. Maybe it may have caused interferences? I changed the links.--Kadwalan (kaozeal) 9 Mez 2022 da 17:31 (UTC)[respont]