Darvoud-alc'hwez | Kantved ar Sklêrijenn, Eil dispac'h saoz, American Revolution, Dispac'h Gall ![]() |
Hashtag | liberals, liberal ![]() |
Istor | history of liberalism ![]() |
Enebet ouzh | antiliberalism ![]() |
Ar frankizouriezh a zo ur strollad a gealioù hag a vartezeadennoù a-zivout aozadur ar gevredigezh hag ar gouarnamant a wel frankiz an hiniennoù evel e bal pennañ[1] Emañ orin ar frankizouriezh a-vremañ e marevezh ar gouleier.
Ar frankizouriezh a ro ur pouez bras da wirioù an hinienn ha d'an ingalder a dro. Meur a stumm a frankizouriezh ez eus ha politikerezhioù liesek a ginnig. Unanet ez int, avat, gant o fennaennoù, en o zouez ar frankiz da soñjal hag da gomz, bevennadur galloud ar gouarnamant, ren al lezenn
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]Notennoù
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- ↑ A: "'Liberalism' is defined as a social ethic that advocates liberty, and equality in general." – C. A. J. (Tony) Coady Distributive Justice, A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, editors Goodin, Robert E. and Pettit, Philip. Blackwell Publishing, 1995, p.440. B: "Liberty is not a means to a higher political end. It is itself the highest political end." – Lord Acton
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- Willard, Charles Arthur. Liberalism and the Problem of Knowledge: A New Rhetoric for Modern Democracy, University of Chicago Press, 1996.
- Michael Scott Christofferson "An Antitotalitarian History of the French Revolution: François Furet's Penser la Révolution française in the Intellectual Politics of the Late 1970s" (in French Historical Studies, Fall 1999)
- Piero Gobetti La Rivoluzione liberale. Saggio sulla lotta politica in Italia, Bologna, Rocca San Casciano, 1924
- Putting liberalism in its place / Paul W Kahn., 2005 (YALE)
- Liberalism divided : freedom of speech and the many uses of State power / Owen M Fiss., 1996 (YALE)
- The future of liberal revolution / Bruce A Ackerman., 1992 (YALE)
- Social justice in the liberal state / Bruce A Ackerman., 1980 (YALE)
- Notions of fairness versus the Pareto principle : on the role of logical consistency / Louis Kaplow., 2000 (HARVARD)
- Knowledge & politics / Roberto Mangabeira Unger., 1975 (HARVARD)
- Principles for a free society / Richard Allen Epstein., 1999 (UCHICAGO)
- Fairness in a liberal society / Richard Allen Epstein., 2005 (UCHICAGO)
- Skepticism and freedom : a modern case for classical liberalism / Richard Allen Epstein., 2003 (UCHICAGO)
- Cultivating humanity : a classical defense of reform in liberal education / Martha Nussbaum., 1997 (UCHICAGO)
- Free markets and social justice / Cass R Sunstein., 1997 (UCHICAGO)
- Reasonably radical : deliberative liberalism and the politics of identity / Anthony Simon Laden., 2001 (UCHICAGO)
- The new inequality : creating solutions for poor America / ed. Joshua Cohen., 1999 (STANFORD)
- The rise and fall of British liberalism, 1776-1988 / Alan Sykes., 1997 (STANFORD)
- A stream of windows : unsettling reflections on trade, immigration, and democracy / Jagdish Bhagwati., 1998 (COLUMBIA)
- Nature and politics : liberalism in the philosophies of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau / Andrzej Rapaczynski., 1987 (COLUMBIA)
- Law and liberalism in the 1980s : the Rubin lectures at Columbia University / Vincent Blasi., 1991 (COLUMBIA)
- Ways of war and peace : realism, liberalism, and socialism / Michael W Doyle., 1997 (COLUMBIA)
- The Liberal future in America : essays in renewal / ed. Michael B Levy., 1985 (UCBERKELEY)
- Boundaries and allegiances : problems of justice and responsibility in liberal thought / Samuel Scheffler., 2001 (UCBERKELEY)
- The anatomy of antiliberalism / Stephen Holmes., 1993 (NYU)
- Passions and constraint : on the theory of liberal democracy / Stephen Holmes., 1995 (NYU)
- Benjamin Constant and the making of modern liberalism / Stephen Holmes., 1984 (NYU)
- Liberal rights : collected papers, 1981-1991 / Jeremy Waldron., 1993 (NYU)
- Liberals and social democrats / Peter Clarke., 1978 (OXFORD)
- Law and the community : the end of individualism? / ed. Leslie Green., 1989 (OXFORD)
- From promise to contract : towards a liberal theory of contract / Dori Kimel., 2003 (OXFORD)
- The new enlightenment : the rebirth of liberalism / ed. Peter Clarke., 1986 (OXFORD)
- Constitutional justice: a liberal theory of the rule of law / T.R.S Allan., 2001 (CAMBRIDGE)
- Liberalism and social action / John Dewey., 1963 (UCHICAGO)
- Combat liberalism / Mao Zedong., 1954 (PEKING)
- Free thought and official propaganda / Bertrand Russell., 1922 (CAMBRIDGE)
- Political Liberalism / John Rawls., 2005 (HARVARD)
- Lectures on the history of political philosophy / John Rawls., 2007 (HARVARD)
- The law of peoples ; with, The idea of public reason revisited / John Rawls., 1999 (HARVARD)
- Conditions of liberty : civil society and its rivals / Ernest Gellner., 1994 (CAMBRIDGE)
- Liberty : incorporating four essays on liberty / Isaiah Berlin., 2002 (OXFORD)
- Objectivity and liberal scholarship / Noam Chomsky., 2003 (MIT)
- Profit over people : neoliberalism and global order / Noam Chomsky., 1999 (MIT)
- Democracy in a neoliberal order : doctrines and reality / Noam Chomsky., 1997 (MIT)
- Liberal politics and the public sphere / Charles Taylor., 1995 (MCGILL)
- Beyond liberalization : social opportunity and human capability / Amartya Kumar Sen., 1994 (HARVARD)
- Sovereign virtue : the theory and practice of equality / Ronald Dworkin., 2000 (NYU)
- The legacy of Isaiah Berlin / ed. Ronald Dworkin., 2001 (NYU)
- Concealment and exposure : and other essays / Thomas Nagel., 2002 (NYU)
- Liberals and communitarians / Stephen Mulhall., 1992 (OXFORD)
- John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism / Alan Ryan., 1995 (OXFORD)
- Liberal reform in an illiberal regime: the creation of private property in Russia / Stephen Williams., 2006 (OXFORD)
- Liberalism, religion, and the sources of value / Simon Blackburn., 2005 (CAMBRIDGE)
- Achieving Our Country : Leftist Thought in Twentieth-Century America / Richard Rorty., 1999 (STANFORD)
- Bridging Liberalism and Multiculturalism in American Education / Bob Reich., 2002 (STANFORD)
- Boundaries and allegiances : problems of justice and responsibility in liberal thought / Samuel Scheffler., 2001 (UCBERKELEY)
- The logos reader : rational radicalism and the future of politics / ed. Michael Thompson., 2006 (UPITTSBURGH)
- The feminist critique of liberalism / Martha Craven Nussbaum., 1997 (UCHICAGO)
- Nietzsche, politics, and modernity : a critique of liberal reason / David Owen., 1995 (UARIZONA)
- Contemporary Theories of Liberalism / Gerald Gaus., 2003 (UARIZONA)
- Pragmatic Liberalism and the Critique of Modernity / Gary Gutting., 1999 (NOTREDAME)
- Communities and Law: Politics and Cultures of Legal Identities/Gad Barzilai., 2003 [Michigan]
- Liberal America and the Third World; political development ideas in foreign aid and social science / Robert A Packenham., 1973 (STANFORD)
- Structural conflict : the Third World against global liberalism / Stephen D Krasner., 1985 (STANFORD)
- Democracy's discontent : America in search of a public philosophy / Michael J Sandel., 1998 (HARVARD)
- Liberalism and the limits of justice / Michael J Sandel., 1998 (HARVARD)
- The spirit of liberalism / Harvey Claflin Mansfield., 1978 (HARVARD)
- Liberalism and the moral life / Nancy L Rosenblum., 1989 (HARVARD)
- Bentham's theory of the modern state / Nancy L Rosenblum., 1978 (HARVARD)
- Another liberalism : romanticism and the reconstruction of liberal thought / Nancy L Rosenblum., 1987 (HARVARD)
- Liberalism and its critics / Michael J Sandel., 1984 (HARVARD)
- Technopols : freeing politics and markets in Latin America in the 1990s / Jorge I Domínguez., 1997 (HARVARD)
- The new majority : towards a popular progressive politics / Theda Skocpol., 1999 (HARVARD)
- Tyranny and liberty : big government and the individual in Tocqueville's science of politics / Harvey Mansfield., 1999 (HARVARD)
- The new American dilemma : liberal democracy and school desegregation / Jennifer L Hochschild., 1984 (HARVARD)
- Politics out of history / Wendy Brown., 2001 (UCBERKELEY)
- Radicals and conservatives / William McGovern; David S Collier., 1957 (UCBERKELEY)
- Tocqueville's revenge : state, society, and economy in contemporary France / Jonah D Levy., 1999 (UCBERKELEY)
- Liberalism's crooked circle : letters to Adam Michnik / Ira Katznelson., 1996 (COLUMBIA)
- Liberal socialism (Carlo Rosselli) / ed. Nadia Urbinati., 1994 (COLUMBIA)
- On liberal revolution (Piero Gobetti) / ed. Nadia Urbinati., 2000 (COLUMBIA)
- The clash of orthodoxies : law, religion, and morality in crisis / Robert P George., 2001 (PRINCETON)
- Liberal equality / Amy Gutmann., 1980 (PRINCETON)
- Diversity and distrust : civic education in a multicultural democracy / Stephen Macedo., 1999 (PRINCETON)
- Liberal virtues : citizenship, virtue, and community in liberal constitutionalism / Stephen Macedo., 1991 (PRINCETON)
- The inner ocean : individualism and democratic culture / George Kateb., 1992 (PRINCETON)
- Economic change and political liberalization in Sub-Saharan Africa / Jennifer A Widner., 1994 (PRINCETON)
- Natural law, liberalism, and morality : contemporary essays / Robert P George., 1996 (PRINCETON)
- Natural law and public reason / Robert P George., 2000 (PRINCETON)
- Liberal international relations theory : a social scientific assessment / Andrew Moravcsik., 2001 (PRINCETON)
- Liberalism and international relations theory / Andrew Moravcsik., 1992 (PRINCETON)
Liammoù diavaez
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- Liberal International
- Peter Berkowitz on "Modern Liberalism"
- French Liberalism in the 18th and 19th century
- What's the Matter With Liberalism, political theorist Ronald Beiner's classic critique
- The divergence between American and English definitions of "liberal", a personal view by Jeffry Fischer
- The program of liberalism, Ludwig von Mises
- The Oxford Manifesto of 1947
- Australian Liberalism: The Continuing Vision
- The Liberal Magazine committed to reinvigorating Liberalism
- Liberal Review an online magazine relating to liberalism in the UK