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Wikipedia:Kumuniezh/An davarn/sizhunvezh 15, bloaz 2016

Eus Wikipedia

11/04/2016 — 17/04/2016[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Skrivañ un dra bennak er pemzekvet sizhun eus 2016 | An davarn | sizhun a-raoksizhun war-lerc'h

Server switch 2016[kemmañ ar vammenn]

The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its newest data center in Dallas. This will make sure Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to conduct a planned test. This test will show whether they can reliably switch from one data center to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.

They will switch all traffic to the new data center on Tuesday, 19 April.
On Thursday, 21 April, they will switch back to the primary data center.

Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop during those two switches. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.

You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.

  • You will not be able to edit for approximately 15 to 30 minutes on Tuesday, 19 April and Thursday, 21 April, starting at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT).

If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.

Other effects:

  • Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped.

Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.

  • There will be a code freeze for the week of 18 April.

No non-essential code deployments will take place.

This test was originally planned to take place on March 22. April 19th and 21st are the new dates. You can read the schedule at They will post any changes on that schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community. /User:Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk) 17 Ebr 2016 da 21:07 (UTC)[respont]

« Mirdioù brezhonek »[kemmañ ar vammenn]

(D'an 20 a viz Ebrel 2016 emaomp hiziv, met ne vern)

  • Ne gomprenan ket gwall vat petra eo pal ar pajennoù "Mirdi brezhonek <anv ul livour>". Gwelloc'h e vefe diskouez an oberennoù-se er pennad a bled gant pep livour.
  • Savet fall int : ar stumm <gallery> ne ro ket c'hoant da welet pelloc'h, gwelloc'h e vefe o c'hinnig dre... un daolenn, dres a-walc'h, ment 220px (ment dre ziouer ar stumm thumb) evit an oberenn vihanañ ; an darn vuiañ anezho ne vezont ket deiziadet ; pa vezont, ne heuliont ket red resped al livour ; n'eus meneg ebet eus an teknikoù hag ar skoroù ; ral a wech e vez meneget al lec'h m'emaint war ziskouez ; lod anvioù brezhonek zo disheñvel-krenn diouzh an anv orin, evel pa vefent bet troet war-eeun diwar ar galleg.
  • Lod n'int ket "brezhonek" tamm ebet, evel Mirdi brezhonek Zurbarán m'emañ an anvioù orin spagnolek.

Listennadoù skeudennoù eo ar pajennoù-se, tra ken. Ne zegasont netra d'ar raktres. C'hoazh ur wech, gwelloc'h e vefe lakaat an taolennoù-se er pennadoù a zere, a vefe pinvidikoc'h.
Gwelloc'h eo pajennoù peuzklok ha bras o fouez eget roadennoù strewet war meur a bennad. -- 20 Ebr 2016 da 20:13 (UTC)[respont]

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Bianchi-Bihan (kaozeal) 21 Ebr 2016 da 07:19 (UTC)[respont]
«Braz eo an eost. An eosterien a-vad a zo nebeud anezo. Pedit eta mestr an eost, ma kaso eosterien d'e bark».Bianchi-Bihan (kaozeal) 21 Ebr 2016 da 07:27 (UTC)[respont]