Robert D. Borsley
(Adkaset eus Robert Borsley)
Robert Borsley, ganet e 1949 e Coventry e Bro-Saoz, a zo ur yezhoniour. Kelennet en deus e meur a skol-veur, e Bro-Saoz, Kembre, Iwerzhon ha Pologn. Skrivet en deus pennadoù a-zivout ar brezhoneg, ar c'hembraeg, ar saozneg hag ar poloneg.
Oberennoù skrivet
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- Robert D.Borsley ha Kathol, Breton as a V2 language, e-barzh Linguistics 38, 665-710, 2000;
- Robert D.Borsley, M.L. Rivero ha J. Stephens, Long head movement in Breton, e The Syntax of the Celtic languages: a comparative perspective, Borsley ha Roberts (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 53-74, 1996;
- Robert D.Borsley ha J. Stephens, Agreement and the position of Subjects in Breton, e Natural Language and Linguistic Theory 7, 407-427, 1989;
- Robert D. Borsley hag Anne Abeillé, La syntaxe des corrélatives comparatives en anglais et en français;
- Robert D. Borsley, In defense of coordinate structures, Linguistic Analysis 24, 3-4, p. 218-246 , 1994;
- Robert D. Borsley, Relative Clauses and the Theory of Phrase Structure, Linguistic Inquiry, 28, p. 629-647, 1997;
- Robert D. Borsley, An approach to English comparative correlatives, in S. Muller (ed.), Proceedings hpsg Conference, csli on-line publications, 2004;
- Robert D. Borsley, Against ConjP, Lingua 115, p. 461-482, 2005;
- Robert D. Borsley, Les coordinations relèvent-elles de la syntaxe X-barre ?, Langages 160, La syntaxe de la coordination, p. 25-41, 2005.