Che Guevara

Ernesto Guevara (ofisiel), pe a-wechoù Ernesto Guevara de la Serna (diofisiel), a zo bet ganet d'ar 14 a viz Even 1928 e Rosario (Arc'hantina) ha marvet d'an 9 a viz Here 1967 e La Higuera (Bolivia). Anavezet eo gwelloc'h dre an anv Che Guevara pe Che (ar Che) hepmuiken (distaget /t͡ʃe.ɡeˈβa.ɾa/ e spagnoleg). Che eo al lesanv a vez graet diouzh tud Arc'hantina gant Latinamerikaniz all, diwar un estlammadell a zeu ganto alies.
Emsaver komunour arc'hantinat ha kuban, milour, skrivagner ha den-Stad.
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]Brud
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]

Azeulet eo evel un doue modern, ha war un dro eo deuet da vout ur varc'hadourezh, pa weler e benn war dilhad ha skeudennoù a-vil-vern.
C'hoarier echedoù
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- Ernesto "Che" Guevara a c'hoarias ur wezh ur c'hrogad ecehdoù a-enep ar mestrc'hoarier Miguel Najdorf ; null e voe an disoc'h, dre pat).
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- (en)
- Anderson, Jon Lee. Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life. New York: Grove Press, 1997. (ISBN 0-8021-1600-0)
- Bamford, James. Body of Secrets: Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency. New York: Anchor Books, 2002 (Reprint edition). (ISBN 0-385-49908-6)
- Castro, Fidel (editors Bonachea, Rolando E. and Nelson P. Valdés). Revolutionary Struggle. 1947–1958. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: MIT Press, 1972. (ISBN 0-262-02065-3)
- Feldman, Allen 2003. Political Terror and the Technologies of Memory: Excuse, Sacrifice, Commodification, and Actuarial Moralities. Radical History Review 85, 58–73.
- Gálvez, William. Che in Africa: Che Guevara's Congo Diary. Melbourne: Ocean Press, 1999. (ISBN 1-876175-08-7)
- George, Edward. The Cuban Intervention In Angola, 1965–1991: From Che Guevara To Cuito Cuanavale. London & Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass Publishers, 2005. (ISBN 0-415-35015-8)
- Gliejeses, Piero. Cuba's First Venture in Africa: Algeria, 1961–1965, Journal of Latin American Studies, no. 28, London: Cambridge University Press, Spring 1996.
- Heikal, Mohamed Hassanein. The Cairo Documents. New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1973. (ISBN 0-385-06447-0)
- Holland, Max. Private Sources of U.S. Foreign Policy William Pawley and the 1954 Coup d'État in Guatemala in Journal of Cold War Studies, Volume 7, Number 4, Fall 2005, pp. 36–73.
- James, Daniel. Che Guevara: A Biography. New York: Stein and Day, 1969. (ISBN 0812813480)
- James, Daniel. Che Guevara. New York: Cooper Square Press, 2001. (ISBN 0-8154-1144-8)
- Kahn, David. The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing. New York: Macmillan, 1967. (ISBN 0684831309)
- Miná, Gianni. An Encounter with Fidel. Melbourne: Ocean Press, 1991. (ISBN 1-875284-22-2)
- Rodriguez, Félix I. and John Weisman. Shadow Warrior/the CIA Hero of a Hundred Unknown Battles. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. (ISBN 0-671-66721-1)
- Ryan, Henry Butterfield. The Fall of Che Guevara : A Story of Soldiers, Spies, and Diplomats. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. (ISBN 0-19-511879-0)
- Thomas, Hugh. Cuba or the Pursuit of Freedom. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press, April 1998 (Updated edition). (ISBN 0-306-80827-7)
- (es)
- Alarcón Ramírez, Dariel ("Benigno"). Memorias de un Soldado Cubano: Vida y Muerte de la Revolución. Barcelona: Tusquets Editores S.A., 2002. (ISBN 84-8310-014-2)
- Bravo, Marcos. La Otra Cara Del Che. Bogota, Colombia: Editorial Solar, 2005.
- Castañeda, Jorge G. Che Guevara: Compañero. New York: Random House, 1998. (ISBN 0-679-75940-9)
- Escobar, Froilán and Félix Guerra. Che: Sierra adentro (Che: Deep in the Sierra). Havana: Editora Política, 1988.
- Fuentes, Norberto. La Autobiografía De Fidel Castro ("The Autobiography of Fidel Castro"). Mexico D.F: Editorial Planeta, 2004. (ISBN 84-233-3604-2), (ISBN 970-749-001-2)
- Matos, Huber. Como llegó la Noche ("As night arrived"). Barcelona: Tusquet Editores, SA, 2002. (ISBN 84-8310-944-1)
- Morán Arce, Lucas. La revolución cubana, 1953–1959: Una versión rebelde ("The Cuban Revolution, 1953–1959: a rebel version"). Ponce, Puerto Rico: Imprenta Universitaria, Universidad Católica, 1980. ISBN B0000EDAW9.
- O'Donnell, Pacho. Che, la vida por un mundo mejor, random house mandatori, 2003
- Peña, Emilio Herasme. La Expedición Armada de junio de 1959, Listín Diario, (Dominican Republic), 14 June 2004.
- Peredo-Leigue, Guido "Inti". Mi campaña junto al Che, México: Ed. Siglo XXI, 1979.PDF version
- Rojo del Río, Manuel. La Historia Cambió En La Sierra ("History changed in the Sierra"). 2a Ed. Aumentada (Augmented second edition). San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Texto, 1981.
- Ros, Enrique 2003. Fidel Castro y El Gatillo Alegre: Sus Años Universitarios (Colección Cuba y Sus Jueces). Miami: Ediciones Universal. (ISBN 1-59388-006-5)
- Villegas, Harry "Pombo". Pombo : un hombre de la guerrilla del Che : diario y testimonio inéditos, 1966–1968. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Colihue S.R.L., 1996. (ISBN 950-581-667-7)
- (fr)
- Dariel Alarcón Ramírez dit "Benigno". Le Che en Bolivie. Éditions du Rocher, 1997. (ISBN 2-268-02437-7)
- Miguel Benasayag, Che Guevara : du mythe à l'homme : aller-retour, Bayard, 2003
- Jean-Hugues Berrou et Jean-Jacques Lefrère, Che Images, Fayard, 2003 (ISBN 2213613427)
- Stéphane Courtois, Nicolas Werth, Jean-Louis Panné, Andrzej Paczkowski, Karel Bartosek, Jean-Louis Margolin, Le Livre noir du communisme, Robert Laffont, 1997 (ISBN 2-221-08-204-4)
- Marie-Dominique Bertuccioli, Juan Andrés Neira Franco, Che, commandant, ami, Graphein, 2000, Skrid en e hed
- Olivier Besancenot et Michael Löwy, Che Guevara une braise qui brûle encore, arnodskrid, Mille et une nuits, 2007 (ISBN 978-2-75550-043-1)
- Jean Cormier, Che Guevara, compagnon de la révolution, Découverte Gallimard (ISBN 2070533166)
- Fernando Garcia et Oscar Sola, Che, rêve rebelle, La Mascara (ISBN 027098951)
- Alberto Granado, En voyage avec Che Guevara, L'Archipel (ISBN 2841876918)
- Pierre Kalfon, Che, Points, Seuil, Pariz, 1997
- Jacobo Machover, La Face cachée du Che, Buchet-Chastel, 2007 (ISBN 2283022525)
- Alessandra Riccio, Che. Félicitations commandant, c'est une fille !. Desmaret, 2004.
- Carlos Tablada, Che Guevara : l'économie et la politique dans la transition au socialisme, Pathfinder (ISBN 0-87348-885-7) Troidigezh c'hallek.
- Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Ernesto Guevara, connu aussi comme le Che, Payot, Pariz, 1997, ha dre div levrenn (2001) (ISBN 2228894176) hag (ISBN 2228894184)
- Jeannine Verdès-Leroux, La Lune et le Caudillo, Gallimard, Pariz, 1989