Mont d’an endalc’had


N’eus ket eus endalc’had ar bajenn e yezhoù all.
Eus Wikipedia
  • N'on ket sur penaos treiñ anvioù ar c'hredennoù yuzev. Penaos e larfec'h-c'hwi "Jewish Reconstructionism" e brezhoneg? Graet em eus gant "adgroueouriezh yuzev" evit poent. --J. Pokorny 2 Mez 2006 da 12:57 (UTC)[respont]
  • Ober a reer amañ gant ar ger yuzevegezh evit relijion ar Yuzevien (pennad Yuzevegezh) hag evit hollad an traoù a denn dezho (titl ar patrom). En alamaneg, war a welan, e lakaer kemm etre de:Jüdische Religion ha de:Judentum. Daoust ha ne vefe ket tu d'ober heñvel e brezhoneg ha lakaat kemm etre yuzevegezh (hollad meizadoù hag aozadurioù ar Yuzevien) ha yuzeviezh (a gaver er Geriadur istorel hag en hini ar Gleau) evit ar relijion ? E geriadur An Here e kaver ur c'hemm heñvel etre kristenelezh ha kristeniezh. --Llydawr 17 Eos 2006 da 17:33 (UTC)[respont]

Bonjour, désolé de parler Français, je ne parle que quelques mots de Breton. Je voulais savoir s'il est vraiment vrai que le terme Yuzevegezh n'est apparu que récemment. Les Bretons ne parlaient-ils donc jamais des Juifs de la Bible ? Elle-même n'a-t-elle été traduite en Breton que ces dernières années ?--Kirochi

The word Yuzevegezh was in Breton dictionaries before I was born, before you were born perhaps too. I have no idea what people talked about before I was born. I tend to think that, as in any other language, not many spoke of things they did not know at all, either religions or arts, or trades, or sports, etc. Lola Kola 10 Gwe 2007 da 18:25 (UTC)[respont]
Ah well, if you do prefer to speak in English rather than French (it's a pity, truly)... Why is this word flagged as a neologism, then? Or maybe I'm just mistaken about the meaning of "nevezc'her".--Kirochi
I'm not sure why it's flagged as a neologism as such. The flag was placed on the article by the original and main contributer himself little after the article was first created. Strictly speaking the boiler-plate doen't say that the title itself is a neologism, merely that neologisms are employed in the article itself. It can only imagine the plate was added in order to direct readers to this discussion page where the author siscusses the use of the term "yuzevegezh" as found in the main bilingual dictionary (Roparz Hemon) to translate "Judaism" as opposed to a proposed the alternative yuzeviezh (cited in the dictionary Geriadur istorel and ar Gleau) which would be better suited to translate the term "Judaism" (religion), parallel with kristeniezh ("Christianity") to be contrasted with "yuzevegezh" ("Jewry, all things Jewish") on a par with kristenelezh ("Chistendom, all things Christian) (found in the main monolongual reference dictionary published by An Here). May I ask why someone who confesses not to actually speak Breton is so worried by the particular suffix used? This much is actually explained in the first part of the discussion on this page. Neal (Kaozeal) 12 Gwe 2007 da 18:06 (UTC) (Sysop/Bureaucrat)[respont]
Humm, would you believe me if I told you that I'm trying to learn Breton on my own? I'm merely having a close-up look at some words I'll be eager to use in the future if I ever need to speak this language. My father is from Brittany but I'm afraid he's not qualified enough to teach me (even Gallo).
Oh, something else, were you actualy watching this page? I'd like to know how involved the Admins are here.--Kirochi

Salud, d'am soñj e vefe mat lakaat e pleustr an difoc'h yuzevegezh ha yuzeviezh er pennad, da zifoc'hañ mat etre relijion ha sevenadur.


[kemmañ ar vammenn]

Yuzevegezh = relijion ar Yuzevien ha yuzeviezh = ar fed ma vezer yuzev, ha pa gredfed er yuzevegezh pe get ; gwelit da skouer geriadurioù Le Gléau levrenn 6, 1989, p. 2006-b ha Ménard, 2020, p. 759-a. Mesket eo an daou veizad ar pennad. --Ar choler (kaozeal) 26 Meu 2024 da 18:09 (UTC)[respont]