
Eus Wikipedia


* Magic words
* Customizable syntax for wikitext and elsewhere.
* IDs must be valid identifiers, they cannot contain hyphens.
* CASE is 0 to match all case variants, 1 for case-sensitive
* Note to localisers:
*   - Include the English magic words as synonyms. This allows people from
*     other wikis that do not speak the language to contribute more easily.
*   - The first alias listed MUST be the preferred alias in that language.
*     Tools (like Visual Editor) are expected to use the first listed alias
*     when editing or creating new content.
*   - Order the other aliases so that common aliases occur before more rarely
*     used aliases. The aliases SHOULD be sorted by the following convention:
*     1. Local first, English last, then
*     2. Most common first, least common last.
* @phpcs-require-sorted-array

$magicWords = [


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'toc' => [ 0, '

' ],

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