David N. Dumville
David N. Dumville
Reizh pe jener | paotr |
Bro ar geodedouriezh | Rouantelezh-Unanet |
Anv-bihan | David |
Deiziad ganedigezh | 5 Mae 1949 |
Deiziad ar marv | 8 Gwe 2024 |
Yezhoù komzet pe skrivet | saozneg |
Micher | yezhoniour, istorour |
Implijer | University of California, Berkeley, Skol-veur Cambridge, University of Aberdeen, Swansea University, University of Pennsylvania |
Bet war ar studi e | Skol-veur Dunedin, Emmanuel College, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich |
Lec'hienn ofisiel | https://www.dumville.org |
David Norman Dumville zo ur c'heltiegour hag istorour saoz ganet e 1949. Bet eo o kelenn en Obair Dheathain, Abertawe, Berkeley, Dulenn.
[kemmañ | kemmañ ar vammenn]- (gant Kathryn Grabowski) Chronicles and Annals of Mediaeval Ireland & Wales, 1984
- (gant Michael Lapidge) The Annals of St Neots, 1985
- The Historia Brittonum, 1985
- Histories and Pseudo-Histories of the Insular Middle Ages, 1990
- 'Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar, 1992
- Liturgy and the Ecclesiastical History of Late Anglo-Saxon England, 1992
- Britons and Anglo-Saxons in the Early Middle Ages, 1993
- English Caroline Script and Monastic History, 1993
- Saint Patrick, 1993
- The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1995
- The Churches of North Britain in the First Viking Age, 1997
- "Three Men in a Boat" (inaugural lecture), 1997
- Councils and Synods of the Gaelic Early and Central Middle Ages, 1997
- A Palaeographer's Review', vol. 1 1999, vol. 2 2003
- Saint David of Wales, 2001
- Annabes Cambriae, 2002
- The Annals of Ulster, 2002
- (gant Pádraig Ó Néill) Cáin Adomnáin and Canones Adomnani, 2003
- Wessex and England from Alfred to Edgar